FX68 Super Stereo Chorus
The second cosmetic variant of the FX68 Super Stereo Chorus, from 1994The FX68 Super Stereo Chorus was introduced in mid/late-1990 as DOD's "top of the line" chorus effect, replacing the FX67 Stereo Turbo Chorus in DOD's lineup. With Level, Speed, and Delay Time controls, the FX68 was comparable to the FX65 Stereo Chorus feature-wise, but added a Level control to mix the wet/dry output levels. Unlike its chief competitor at the time (the Boss CH-1 Super Chorus, which was introduced in 1989), the FX68 did not have a tone control. The FX68 was discontinued in 1996 with the introduction of the FX64 Ice Box.
- Controls: Level, Speed, Delay Time, Depth
- From the manual: "The FX68 chorus unit is a variable delay unit that gives the impression that more than one instrument is playing. It does this by delaying the sound of the original instrument a small amount (4-6 milliseconds) and continuously varying the amount of delay. Continuously varying the delay changes the pitch of the delayed signal. The delayed, slightly pitch shifted signal is mixed with the original signal and results in the chorus effect."
- Technical info:
- Specifications (1991): Input impedance = 500 k Ohms, Output impedance = 1 k Ohms; Delay Time = 5-8 ms; Sweep Speed = 0.8-8 Hz; Bandwidth = 40 Hz-16 kHz
- Notable IC chips: one MN3007 BBD chip, driven by a MN3101 clock generator/driver CMOS chip; plus three more op amps
- Internal trim pots: one; however, we do not recommend messing with trim pots
- Component-side circuitboard image: March 1994
- Related circuit: FX65 (loosely based)
- FX heritage: FX67
- External links:
- @ ftp.dod.com - instruction manual (1991), .pdf format
- @ discofreq's FX site
- @ harmony-central.com
- @ noiseguide.com
- @ ultimate-guitar.com
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