- This web site is not affiliated with Harman, the current owner of DOD Electronics, in any way, shape or form. In addition, we have never been employed by or affiliated with DOD/DigiTech/Harman in any way.
- While we reserve the right to offer used (surplus) items for sale or trade on this website in the future, we have no agenda with or financial interest in Harman. (However, in February 2014 we did receive a nice email from Scott Klimt, the DigiTech market manager at Harman, thanking us for creating this website.)
Privacy statement:
- AmericasPedal.net does not collect "cookies" or any personal information from visitors. However, links to any external web site, such as eBay searches, will probably result in a cookie request from the external website; please refer to the respective external web site's privacy policy for more information.
- Usage statistics and the error log are periodically checked to monitor site performance; any IP address deemed to be responsible for a malicious attack will be blocked.
Copyright notice:
- The majority of the images on this website are (c) 2009-2014 AmericasPedal.net, and were photographed or scanned specifically for this website. Links to any web pages are always welcome, and please feel free to download any image or copy any text you wish for your own personal non-commercial use. However, please do NOT use the site's image files for your eBay auctions or craigslist ads. It is always best to use actual photos of any used item offered for sale, to reduce the likelihood of a surprised (unhappy) customer.
- All original text on this website is likewise (c) 2009-2014 AmericasPedal.net. However, please feel free to quote a portion of our text to better describe your eBay item, if it meets the criteria for fair use (just as we have sometimes quoted from a pedal's user manual). In return, please also provide a link and/or credit to AmericasPedal.net as your source.
- The completely non-political motivations for starting this website should be clear to all. For the record, no part of AmericasPedal.net is intended as a political statement, or to promote any sort of jingoistic nationalism. Visitors from any political party and from every corner of the planet are all equally welcome.
Questions? Comments?
- Feedback is welcome! Please e-mail general comments or questions to info 'at' americaspedal 'dot' net. Feel free to e-mail image files of your pedals if you like, but it is unlikely your pictures will be posted on this website until after all planned updates are complete.
- If you encounter technical problems with this website (anything from dead links to site outages), or would like to inquire about trading links or advertising here, please feel free to send an e-mail. There are no plans to add bells, whistles, and ads until this website becomes an ersatz version of Harmony Central. However, it would certainly be nice if ad revenue at least paid for domain hosting and bandwidth costs.
- Finally, there really haven't been enough questions to start a FAQ page, but the one question that *is* frequently asked is whether there are plans to add information on DOD's first series (250, etc.), DOD Performer-series, and/or DigiTech PDS-series pedals:
- The short answer is that we haven't acquired significant numbers of any of those series of pedals to draw any definitive conclusions as of yet.
- The longer answer is that some of those pedals are already so rare and/or expensive that (short of winning the lottery) they won't be affordable anytime soon; therefore, it's not likely this site will be any kind of authority on those series of pedals in the near future. (However, in September 2014 I acquired what is arguably the most rare of all DOD pedals, the 535-A Octoplus, and a section on DOD's Performer series will be added sooner rather than later.)
- That said, images and information from all available DOD/DigiTech advertisements and catalogs will be uploaded, regardless of which series they are from. Eventually information will be posted from the DOD first series, DOD Performer-series, and DigiTech PDS-series pedals currently available, but for now DOD FX-series pedals will be given higher priority.
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