FX55 Distortion
FX55 Distortion pedals from late 1983 (left) and early 1985The FX55 Distortion was based on the FX50 Overdrive Preamp, initially sharing the same undersized (3.125" x 2.25") circuit board but with somewhat greater gain. The FX55 was one of the original ten DOD FX-series pedals that debuted in 1982, but it was discontinued with the introduction of the FX55B in early 1986.
- Controls: Level, Distortion
- List price (Jan. 1983): $59.95
- Technical info:
- Specifications (1984): Input impedance = 500k Ohms, Output impedance = 1 k Ohms; Maximum Gain = 1000 V/V; Maximum Output Level 1.2V P-P
- Notable IC chip: TL062CP op-amp
- Component-side circuitboard images: December 1983
January 1985
- Related circuit: FX50
- FX heritage: FX55
- External links:
- @ discofreq's FX site (includes a schematic)
- @ harmony-central.com
- @ noiseguide.com
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