FX102 Mystic Blues Overdrive
Early-issue FX102 Mystic Blues Overdrive, with original (generic) box
(This pedal's circuit board has a component date of late 1997, but its instruction manual has a print date of 2/98.)The FX102 Mystic Blues Overdrive was introduced at Winter NAMM 1998. Sharing the same basic circuit as the also-new FX91 Bass Overdrive, the FX102 Mystic Blues Overdrive was voiced as an overdrive for guitar. The FX102 appeared to directly succeed the FX51 Juice Box in DOD's lineup, and the text and content of its instruction manual was also largely identical to the FX51's manual. The FX102 was generally well-received, and was retained when production shifted to China with the VFX series.
- Controls: Level, Low, High, Drive
- From the manual: "The FX102 is designed to add the right amount of distortion to a guitar when it is already running into a distorted amplifier. By distorting the amp and kicking the FX102 on during solos or extra distorted songs, the FX102 adds more character without becoming harsh. The FX102's haromonics stand out, and EQ lets you achieve many different tones that you could only get with two distortions. From tube-like screams to rock-a-billy twang, it's all there."
- MSRP (1998): $109.95
- Technical info:
- Notable IC chips: two 4560-type op-amps
Component-side circuitboard image: September 1997 (revision A)- Related circuit: FX91
- FX heritage: FX51
- External links:
- @ ftp.dod.com - instruction manual (dated 2/98), .pdf format
- @ DOD.com
- @ discofreq's FX site
- @ harmony-central.com
- @ noiseguide.com
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