FX10 Bi-FET Preamp
Two 'original series' cosmetic variants of the FX10, from 1983 (left) and 1988The FX10 Bi-FET Preamp was derived from DOD's 210 FET Preamp and 410 Studio Bifet Preamp. Designed as a preamp for acoustic instruments (such as piezo-equipped acoustic-electric guitars), the FX10 can also serve as a "clean boost" pedal for electric guitar. Its Tone control allows either bass or treble boost, with the center position providing a flat response. The FX10 was one of the original ten DOD FX-series pedals that debuted in 1982, and remained in production through at least 1995.
- Controls: Tone, Level
- Catalog descriptions:1984
- Manuals: circa 1983 (left) and 1990s
- List price (Jan. 1983): $59.95
- Technical info:
- Specifications (circa 1983): Input impedance = 4 M Ohms, Output impedance = 1 k Ohms; Gain = 0-6 V/V; Tone range = 0-15 dB
- Official schematic provided with pedal by DOD (circa 1983)
- Notable IC chip: one TLO62CP dual op-amp, with half used for the Level control (and functioning as a buffer) and the other half used for the Tone control; each control used its own J113 (or equivalent) field-effect transistor (FET)
- Component-side circuitboard images: March 1983
May 1988
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